Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Who am I becoming?
Who was I?
Who am I supposed to be?
Who do I want to be?
At times I think I know..
At times I don't have a clue.
I think I know what I want, and who I want to be,
but is that who I am supposed to be? Is that the life 
I am supposed to live? or is it where I am today?
What I need seems to be in constant conflict with what I want.
I wax in and out of a sea of fear.
Swallowing the lump in my throat for fear of being alone. 
I silence the pain i feel, that feeling of being undesired,
taken for granted, always rolling over, apologizing...
swallowing my pride and that lump in my throat out of fear.
Fear of losing what I have, so I make the peace, and cower down.
I wait for a touch...that tangled dance of the sun, shining on my cold skin.
Always waiting. Afraid to say how I feel...I don't want the distance that comes.
Why is it so hard for people to see when they're wrong? 
Am I supposed to stop caring, and numb out so that the hurt doesn't touch me anymore?
Is this how it works? Is this what I'm supposed to do? No instructions...
Uncharted territory
The love I have is open ended...unconditional. It always will be.
What Becomes, one thing is for sure, whatever that is, it will.