Words from a priceless book....
"If I continue to relive my old hurt, it is a resentment and resentment bars the sunlight from my soul. If I continue to relive hurts and hates, I will hurt and hate myself. After years in the dark of resentments, I have found the sunlight. I must let go of resentments; I cannot afford them."
here comes the harder task....turning it over to God, and accepting that I cannot make those I love do the same. I cannot make them live in the now, and stop living in the past hurts. Their path and will for their life is their own. I can only love them as they are, and accept the reality that they may choose to stay in the hurt. I cannot stay there with them, no matter how hard it is to set forth on my own path. I have removed the rear-view mirror, and choose to look ahead, lest I miss the road and spin out of control. It is my hope that I will not go forth alone, but I must. I must, or I shall come apart at the seams, and in turn destroy everything that I stayed for in the hurt in the process, defeating my purpose. Love as I do, I must keep moving, and I want you to come with me, away....away from the old hurts and hates.
The grass is greener ahead.....our future is waiting for us, our children are waiting for us, Life, Love, and our Dreams are waiting for us. Shall we look at them as they sink into the horizon like a setting sun, or shall we chase the sunset together? My own path, my trail has room for two.....Come with me. Let us live and love on OUR path. No need for a rear-view mirror where we could go. Let go, and Let's Go, my love. Trust me. I know how to get there....